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Pintec smart adaptive clamping system

Pintec- the modular smart adaptive clamping system. Fast fixing of workpieces even with complex shapes.

Small quantities, prototypes or small series of complex shaped workpieces can be fixed quickly and easily with pintec. Setup and handling of pintec are easy to implement.

Areas of application

Pintec is used in all areas where different workpieces have to be fixed, e.g.

  • measuring technology
  • assembly
  • laser and needle engraving
  • automation technology
  • your application...?

Pintec smart adaptive clamping system

The modular smart adaptive clamping system can be combined and expanded according to your requirements!

Niederhalter • Hold-down Pin

Bestell-Nr. | order nr.: 050.020

FixModule | FixModules

Bestell-Nr. | order nr.: 020.010 - 020.090

AnbauModul | InstallModule

Bestell-Nr. | order nr.: 050.030

BasisModul | BasisModule

Bestell-Nr. | order nr.: 030.010 - 030.050

FlexformModul | FlexformModule

Bestell-Nr. | order nr.: 010.010

GelenkModul | JointModule

Bestell-Nr. | order nr.: 050.040

Rasterplatte | Baseplate

Bestell-Nr. | order nr.: 800.101 ... 114


That's how easy it is to use pintec:

1. Positionieren...

1. position…

2. justieren...

2. adjust…

3. fixieren...

3. fix...

4. fertig!

4. done!

pintec catalog

Here you can find all current brochures and information directly for download.

Do you wish personal advice?

Thomas Rützel, Vertriebsleitung pintec

Thomas Rützel

I would be happy to demonstrate the advantages of the pintec system to you in order to find the right solution for your application together.